Monday, September 19, 2011

My Momager Binder...

As my love for pinterest has intensified, so does the organization around my house! I can say that the Farrar household will never be the same!! I have been hard at work on my next project, and I am finally at a "finished" point! I think that this project can always be one that is "open", and still under construction, but I am pleased with what I have so far!! I have seen Family Binders before, but I never really thought we needed one. When the first babysitter was called, I realized I need to have some information in a central location before I leave Abbie with someone new... enter Our Family Binder!

I made the front cover, and after we have a name for the baby, I will have to reprint it!  But, I thought it was rather stylish!!!  I liked the monogram in the middle!

The first page of our Binder has our Family Rules.  They are rules I pulled from something I saw on Etsy, and I really liked them!  In the front pocket I keep my laminated Grocery List, and Babysitter Info sheet.  They are laminated so I can use them over and over!

The first tab is for our Important Phone Numbers.  I listed all of our doctors, local hospitals, friends that I hang out with, and places I may be... that way if Derik or a babysitter need me... I can be reached!

The next tab is for Important Dates.  The first page is January through June, and has anniversaries, birthdays, and other dates that need remembering listed!

The 2nd page has July through December...  hopefully I will stop missing birthdays this way!

The next tab is for all of the MOPS information!  This is more for Derik than a sitter, but I wanted him to have easy access to information about where I am and when I am there!

Abbie has her own tab, as will the baby!  It lists her birthday, social security, blood type, and any major medical history bullet points that a sitter may need in an emergency!

As I said before, it is still in progress!  I am working on getting a calendar of the year, and list of holidays, as well as putting together a list of numbers for our favorite takeout places!  Some binders contain finance information, cleaning schedules, and maintenance graphs... but we do all of that stuff in other ways!  This is the best system for our family, and I am proud of myself for putting it together!!

 - Jessica


  1. I am proud of you for putting it together too. It is a valuable tool.

  2. Thanks Mom!! Melissa, thank you... I am VERY glad I have it together! We have our first "babysitter" coming on the 30th and it makes me feel much more at ease!
