Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My First Wedding...

This weekend was fun, gorgeous, and most of all... eventful! Almost 4 years ago to the date, September 22, 2007, I walked down the aisle to marry the man of my dreams! I had planned that day for over a year, and it was everything I had ever dreamed it would be! I was so proud of everything I had done, and how it all came together flawlessly (or at least it seemed that way)!! I remember my friends and family telling me some of the horror stories of the day afterwards, and I laughed because I never knew about any of it! The florist was 4 hours late, a set of my grandparents almost didn't make it to the wedding, and all of the remaining wedding cake "vanished" into the kitchen, never to be seen again! As all of these things definitely had an impact on our day, none of them affected my mood! I stayed clueless, and happy!
So, when I offered to be the Coordinator at Megan & Steve's wedding, that was my biggest goal! After my wedding, I thought a career of Wedding Planning was in my future. After some research, I found that 9 out of 10 home based Wedding Planning businesses fail in the first year! So, I changed my mind! Megan had done all of the leg work for her wedding! She found the vendors, venue, and every detail was done! So, coordinating the wedding should be easy, so I thought!
Friday evening, the rehearsal went rather smooth. It was such a pretty location, and it seemed as though there really wasn't much for me to do! Megan asked me to be at the venue around 2pm the following day, so that I could begin building her reception area, and create the day she had been planning!
Saturday went a little like this!!!

8am - Breakfast! The Hampton Inn had a pretty good breakfast, and I am very glad! I didnt realize how long the day would be, and I am glad I ate well!

9am - Derik and I make a WalMart run! WalMart on a Saturday is NEVER a good idea, but WalMart 20 mins away, on a Saturday, in a hurry... really stupid! We needed to get 3 vases, bug repellant, and itch relief for bug bites though! So, off to WalMart we went!

10am - Arrived back at the hotel, and collected all of the goodies that Megan had for the afternoon. Loaded my car, and went to get ready!

10:10-10:45 - We were lazy! I wanted to go to the pool, but since the time frame was small, we watched something about 9/11!

11:30 - After spending the better part of an hour curling my hair, I realized I forgot hairspray! Did I think of that at WalMart... NO!!! So, I headed to the little store at the front desk and bought a travel size bottle of hairspray that cost me $3!!! Oh well!

12:10 - We were both finally ready and heading to the car! We were scheduled to make a stop at the Mother of the Bride's house, to pick of the rest of the wedding stuff! We loaded the car, and realized that I had left all of the vendor information at the hotel!

12:30 - Headed back (8 miles in the wrong direction) to the hotel to get lists! During the drive we realized, its lunch time and we were hungry! We stopped at a diner that was right next to the hotel, and hovered a quick (and may I add not so good...) lunch!

1:30 - We arrive at the Whalehead Club, and find no one! This wasn't surprising since we werent expecting them until 2!

1:45 - Derik and I notice that the chairs are at the ceremony location, and we go to take care of aisle runner decorations, and to our surprise, goose poop in the aisle cleanup!!

2:45 - The photographers (who have been checking out the area for picture ideas) inform us that the bride will be here in 15 mins to pick them up in the limo! This was a problem, because there were still no tables and chairs!! This meant that the catering company hadnt arrived yet, and no decorating had begun! The photographers made it a non issue, by meeting the limo at the gate, and not allowing the bride to see how behind schedule things were!

3:30 - The catering company arrives, and begins setting up the tables! The chairs were at the ceremony location, so now that we had a tent setup... we started going down the list of things to do! Although I was nervous in less than an hour, we had really busted it out!

4:30 - The first real disaster presents itself! The cake company arrives only to tell me that the cake was destroyed on its journey to us. As I panic, and try to figure out the best way to handle the situation, Derik took charge! We had all sent the delivery guy off to find us another cake. Derik sent the head of the catering company to the closest grocery store, and had a sheet cake ordered. We will call that plan C! Because 25 mins later the delivery guy called and said he had another cake! We told him to have it there no later than 6, and headed to the ceremony location!

5:00 - The wedding started on time without a hitch! It was gorgeous, such a perfect day! The bride looked stunning in her dress, and of course, I started crying!

5:30 - The ceremony was over, and I was back in the reception tent! The guests brought the chairs to the tent, and that transition was perfect and smooth! Cocktail hour got under way, and the guests never noticed we still had no cake!

5:55 - Cake #2 arrives, and it is NOT a cake that the bride would like, but at this point there was no turning back! We kept the bottom layer of her cake, so she could have some of the correct cake! The cake was placed on the table, and the reception got under way!

6:30 - Guests head to the tent to be seated! After all of the guests (expect 8 people) were seated we realized we were short 2 tables, but most importantly, we were short chairs! After a mild anxiety attack, we grabbed 2 picnic tables close by, and covered them with table cloths! Everything seemed to be set!

6:45 - The Wedding Party introductions began, and the newlyweds had their first dance! The bride didnt notice that the cake was wrong until she was dancing with her dad. Her dad was totally aware of the situation, and helped ease the tension.

The night went on without any other major glitches! Thankfully, the bride and the groom had a great night, and the bride said that everything (except the cake) was perfect!

Will I do more wedding coordinating in the future??? Not while I am pregnant!! Derik's ultimate dream 20 years is to open a "Bed & Breakfast" style venue at the beach. He wants to have an area where couples can get married and hold a reception. He will of course head the catering part, and I would be in charge of the coordinating part!

We made a pretty good team at the wedding! But, for now... 20 years is a LONG time off, and we will see what the future holds for our family!

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