Thursday, June 14, 2012

Attacked by the NO NAP ABBIE MONSTER!

We put Abbie down for a nap at 1, she never napped, but we left her up there.  She would open the door and talk, and then shut her door back.  We really thought she had gone to bed finally... and then she came to the door and yelled "Daddy, look what I did..."
Any parent knows, that is never a good sign!  We found a nice surprise in her room!  She had colored on the walls, furniture, and various toys, as well as herself and most of her clothes with a Sharpie.  THE MOMENT YOU GO... WHY DIDNT I COME CHECK ON HER WHEN IT GOT QUIET???

 - Jessica

1 comment:

  1. Double Due's come to mind.... W W W W W
    One day you will laugh about this and tell her about it when her child writes on the walls. You used ink but that was before magic erasers. Thanks for posting. I bet she is going to be artistic!
